– I am pleased that we have put together a strong executive management team that will drive changes and bring the company into a sustainable future as a leading company in our industry. The team is a solid combination of new and existing executives committed to further strengthen Multiconsult’s leading position and to meet our customers’ needs and expectations in the years ahead”, says CEO Grethe Bergly.
Multiconsult is establishing two new positions – COO and EVP Sales – to further strengthen its focus on outstanding operations, and to strengthened sales and value creation for its customer.Furthermore, large integrated projects within infrastructure, transportation and building & properties is becoming more important for our customers – and we are therefore further strengthening our focus on the large project segment. Finally, with the new recruitment of Hilde Gillebo as head of Energy, Multiconsult intends to leverage on strong national and global positions with selected areas of renewable energy, including hydropower, wind and solar.
The new executive management team (EMT) will consist of:
- Grethe Bergly, CEO
- Hans-Jørgen Wibstad, CFO
- Kari Nicolaisen, EVP HR & Corporate Communications
- Johan Arntzen, COO
- Lars Opsahl, EVP Sales
- Kristin Olsson Augestad, EVP Region Oslo
- Leif Olav Bogen, EVP Regions Norway
- Hilde Gillebo, EVP Energy
- Geir Juterud, EVP Projects
- Martha Bergh Lunde, EVP Architecture (acting)
The new EMT will be effective 1 October 2019.
There are four new members of the EMT.
Hilde Gillebo (45) comes from the position as Sector Director in Institute for Energy Technoloy (IFE), and she has spent several years in key positions with SN Power/Agua Imara. She has broad international experience and brings with her comprehensive commercial and management experience from the energy sector. Gillebo holds a MSc. in Marine Technology from NTNU.
Kristin Olsson Augestad (46) comes from the position as SVP Building & Properties. She has been with Multiconsult since 1998. Augestad holds a MSc. from NTNU
Leif Olav Bogen (52) comes from the position as SVP Water & Environment. He has been with Multiconsult since 2008. Bogen holds a MSc. from NTNU.
Geir Juterud (49) is one of Multiconsult’s most acknowledged project managers and has extensive experience with large and complex projects. He has been with Multiconsult since 1998. Juterud holds a MSc. from NTNU.
For further information, please contact:
Investor relations:
Mirza Koristovic, Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +47 938 70 525
E-mail: ir@multiconsult.no
Gaute Christensen, VP Communications
Phone: +47 911 70 188
E-mail: gaute.christensen@multiconsult.no