Notice of attendance
Notice of attendance may be given electronically via this link, or via VPS Investor Services, or by returning the attached attendance form to DNB Bank ASA, Verdipapirservice, postboks 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo.
Shareholders who wish to attend the general meeting must notify their attendance, either in person or by proxy, no later than Wednesday 24 April 2019 at 12:00.
Electronic voting
All shareholders may vote electronically in advance. This may be done via this link, or VPS Investor services, either through your net bank or the home page of the bank/broker in which you have registered your VPS account.
Shareholders who wish to vote electronically may do so no later than Wednesday 24 April 2019 at 12:00.
Please find attached the following documents:
• The annual general meeting notice, including
the board of directors’ proposed resolutions
• The notice of attendance/proxy form
• The Statement of the nomination committee (NOR)
• The Statement of the nomination committee (ENG)
• The 2018 annual report, including corporate governance
and annual accounts for Multiconsult Norge AS
• Sustainability report 2018
The following new candidates are being proposed to the board of directors:
Simen Lieungh (1960) has a Master’s degree in engineering and is currently the CEO of Odfjell Drilling. He has extensive experience within project- and line management positions in Kværner and the Aker companies, lastly as the CEO of Aker Solutions (Aker Kværner). He is familiar with Multiconsult from cooperative relations between the above-mentioned companies and Multiconsult. Simen Lieungh also knows Multiconsult through his contribution to the company’s leadership development programme. AS project- and line manager, he has developed an extensive insight into business in an international knowledge-company. Simen Lieungh is independent of the company’s executive personnel, material business contacts and main shareholder(s).
Hilde Hammervold (1961) has a Master´s degree in economics (Siviløkonom) with extensive management experience from property and real estate industry. Her experience ranges from investments and development of properties to management of operating both organisations and hotels. Additionally, Hilde Hammervold has experience as CFO. With her background in economics, Hilde will add valuable dimensions to an otherwise technology-oriented board. Hilde Hammervold is independent of the company’s executive personnel, material business contacts and main shareholder(s).