Multiconsult signs call-off under the Fornebubanen frame agreement

Multiconsult (Oslo: MULTI) has signed multiple call-offs under the Fornebubanen frame agreement. The work starts immediately and will last for a period of 2 - 3 years. The value of the call-offs is estimated to be approximately NOK 110 million for Multiconsult.

12. January 2022

Under the Fornebubanen frame agreement with Oslo kommune, Multiconsult, with 50 % in a joint venture with Cowi, provides engineering services from pre-design until the completion of infrastructure, as well as any subsequent work. In addition to the design of the entire subway line with infrastructure, the contract includes design of workshop – and deposit-base infrastructure, all subway stations, and the track-connection to Majorstuen hub.

For further information, please contact:

   Investor relations:
      Pål-Sverre Jørgensen, Group Treasurer & Investor Relations Officer
      Phone: +47 416 11 161
      Gaute Christensen, VP Communications
      Phone: +47 911 70 188


This is information made public by Multiconsult pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.