Multiconsult (Oslo: MULTI) has signed multiple call-offs under the Fornebubanen frame agreement. The work starts immediately and will last for a period of 2…
Multiconsult (Oslo: MULTI) Statsbygg has nominated Multiconsult for the owner’s engineer contract (Prosjekterings- og byggrådgivningsgruppe) related to the development of the Ocean Space Centre…
Multiconsult ASA (OSE: MULTI) announced on 22 November 2021 a non-discretionary agreement with ABG Sundal Collier for the repurchase of up to 175,000 of…
Multiconsult ASA (OSE: MULTI) Hans-Jørgen Wibstad has submitted his notice of resignation as CFO in Multiconsult ASA to take the position as CFO in…
Multiconsult ASA (OSE: MULTI) initiates a share buyback programme in connection with its employee share purchase programme in 2021.