
Multiconsult signs call-off under the Fornebubanen frame agreement

Multiconsult (Oslo: MULTI) has signed multiple call-offs under the Fornebubanen frame agreement. The work starts immediately and will last for a period of 2…


Multiconsult nominated for Ocean Space Centre in Trondheim

Multiconsult (Oslo: MULTI) Statsbygg has nominated Multiconsult for the owner’s engineer contract (Prosjekterings- og byggrådgivningsgruppe) related to the development of the Ocean Space Centre…


Multiconsult ASA – Share buyback- programme completed

Multiconsult ASA (OSE: MULTI) announced on 22 November 2021 a non-discretionary agreement with ABG Sundal Collier for the repurchase of up to 175,000 of…


Hans-Jørgen Wibstad resigns as CFO in Multiconsult ASA

Multiconsult ASA (OSE: MULTI) Hans-Jørgen Wibstad has submitted his notice of resignation as CFO in Multiconsult ASA to take the position as CFO in…


Multiconsult initiates share buyback in connection with employee share purchase programme

Multiconsult ASA (OSE: MULTI) initiates a share buyback programme in connection with its employee share purchase programme in 2021. 
